Teacher: Gary Osborne, fashion design
School: High School of Art & Design
Project Goal(s): The 11th grade fashion students will understand the history of hat making and how to construct their original hat design.
Students analyze different fibers, understand the process of hat blocking by creating a block from insulating foam, use tools such as a head size plate, pattern, create a concept, then execute the design in 3-dimensions.
The junior fashion class partners with Lisa Shaub Fine Millinery where students work on this project for 6 weeks for 10, 2-hour Artist in Residence sessions. This block will allow the students to create the millinery tools from scratch, understand the historical context of hat making and create an original piece.
All tools and materials are provided by the design studio and are the tools and techniques necessary and used in the fashion design industry today. Lisa coordinates 2 guest speakers from the Milliners Guild of NYC to come speak about the relevance of millinery and hat design in the fashion industry. The students have the opportunity to visit the studio and shop of Lisa Shaub in the Lower East Side of Manhattan.
The students have the opportunity to showcase their hat in the High School fashion show with a written artist essay that illustrates their inspiration from a historical period and the process from concept, design to final piece. Each of the students' work and process will be on display at the Spring Arts Festival.
ETA funds were used for the residency fee.
Lisa Shaub Fine Millinery