arts integration

Global History and the Graphic Novel

Teacher: Steven Seltz, global history

School: Urban Assembly School of Law & Justice

Project Goal(s): To engage students in historical thinking on the cultural and political history of Iran through critical reading of Persepolis (Marjane Satrapi) and creating their own original graphic novels

Description of Activities

Class spent seven sessions doing a close reading of Persepolis and learning comic/graphic novel techniques. Students selected a particular historical event in Iranian history to focus on and conducted research to understand the causes and effects of the event. Students then developed their own characters and storyline that would illustrate how the historical events were processed and contextualized, and they created original graphic novels. The project culminated with a classwide presentation of final projects.

ETA funds were used for art supplies and teaching artist fees.

Arts Partner(s)

Chris Fillhart (a freelance artist who has since moved to Pittsburgh)

Literature and Fine Art

Teacher: Lindsey Elenson, ELA

School: Urban Assembly School for Law & Justice

Project Goal(s): Students will investigate the power, freedom, and limitations of speech and self-expression and how visual art is used to express ideas.

Description of Activities

The project connected to a unit on the novel Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson in which a teenager stops speaking after being sexually assaulted and instead turns to artmaking as a way to express herself. Students were led by a teaching artist through critical dialogues on artworks by Picasso, Frida Kahlo and others to investigate how cubism, symbolism and self portraiture have been employed by artists to freely express themselves. Students created original pieces echoing these styles to visually communicate their own ideas of themselves.

ETA funds were used for art supplies, teaching artist fees and Guggenheim museum admission.

Arts Partner(s)

Monique Schubert - freelance artist

Chemistry and Film

Teacher: Josh Wickline, chemistry

School: Talent Unlimited High School

Project Goal(s): Utilize video-making to provide students with multiple entry points for understanding and explaining physical science concepts.

Description of Activities

Students worked in small groups to brainstorm ideas for short videos that would creatively explain key concepts from the chemistry curriculum. (i.e. illustrate ionic bonds through the story of a high school love triangle). Videos had to be narrative but include a clear explanation of the relevant science. Groups created a shot list and production schedule, shot and edited short videos that were then collected on a private Vimeo channel for Regents review.

ETA funds were used for an iMac and Apple TV.


"The best thing that happened during my project was that students were able to connect to chemistry through media that they valued, understood, and wanted to excel in. Because I held all groups to the task of staying true to the science, the students had to interpret the concepts through an artistic medium, and learned more as a result."

At the link below, you'll be able to view all of the video files the students created:

Additional Documents:


Evaluation Rubric

US History and Printmaking: Propaganda Posters

Teacher: Kristin Ferrales (2014-15), Tom Houston (2015-16); US history

School: Urban Assembly School for Law & Justice

Project Goal(s): Students will understand the motives and methods of governments and organizations that use visual propaganda to promote a cause or movement. Students will employ similar techniques to promote a contemporary cause of their choosing.

Description of Activities

One session in each initial unit of Spring semester was devoted to an examination of the use of propaganda (US imperialism, the Great Depression). Students then chose their own contemporary issue (Black Lives Matters, the Fight for $15), conducted research, and looked at examples of contemporary political art. Students then worked under the guidance of a guest artist to create an original linocut and make prints.

Arts Partner(s)

Abrons Arts Center


"Students were highly engaged in the process of creating their block prints. Students thought thematically about different topics/problems/events in the US History course. Students enjoyed having choice--they were able to pick any topic they were interested in. Many students incorporated specific art techniques that our teaching artist modeled for them in designing their final prints. Students took pride in their work at our final art show, and students in other courses visited the show and expressed interest in doing this type of work. Almost every single student said that they thought this unit should be incorporated into US History next year (and many wanted to have multiple projects like this one)."

"I wish I had planned for more time in the unit--ideally, if done again, this would be a 2 week unit instead of one."

"This was great--I truly enjoyed the planning and execution of this project! To do this again, I would need to budget for additional purchase of blocks and tools--we purchased some, but Abrons provided enough tools for all students to be able to create at the same time--with the purchased materials that is not currently possible.