Roundabout Theatre Company is partnering with the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (I.A.T.S.E.), which represents many of the behind-the-scenes workers in theatre and film, to deliver a new, three-year training program. Participants will work hands-on in multiple disciplines of technical theatre, training with some of the industry’s top professionals.
Grants for Arts Education though the Kinder Morgan Foundation
The Kinder Morgan Foundation's goal is to help today's science, math and music students become the engineers, educators and musicians who will support our diverse communities for many years to come. To accomplish this goal, they fund programs that promote the academic and artistic interests of young people in the many cities and towns across North America where Kinder Morgan operates.
ETA Framework for Supporting Successful Arts Programming
Arts Rich, 'Flipped' Classroom Model
This article highlights an example of a High School geometry teacher in the Bronx that has an arts-rich, "flipped" classroom model.
NYC Dance Studio Rental Spaces
NEA Learning & Leadership Grants for Teachers
Strategies to Increase Support
Resume and Interview Resource Materials
Blueprint for Teaching and Learning in the Arts
The Blueprints for Teaching and Learning in the Arts: PreK-12 provide teachers with a path to follow for developing curriculum in their art form, and provide benchmarks for what children should know, understand, and be able to do in the arts ...
LA Cultural Assets Map
CAM is an organic mapping project that identifies cultural resources along LA's Metro lines, municipal and school district boundaries. Arts for LA built this tool to identify, connect and grow cultural resources...
Formative Assessment from Arts Assessment for Learning
The Arts Assessment for Learning website is the product of a partnership between the New York City Department of Education’s Office of Arts and Special Projects and ArtsConnection...
ETA Tip Sheet: NYC DOE Office of Arts & Special Projects
Funding Source for Capital Projects
Arts Lesson Plans from the Kennedy Center
Arts Edge is The Kennedy Center's free digital resource for teaching and learning in, through and about the arts. Under the Educators tab you can find a section for lesson plans in the arts ...