Urban Assembly School for Applied Math & Science
School Description
Applied Math and Science (AMS) strives to prepare all of our students to become compassionate, critical thinkers capable of successful pursuits after high school. We expect that our graduates will be well-prepared for college study and that they will be equipped with the skills to make solid career choices. From individual and group explorations into math and science-based projects to dynamic internships, our school will be simultaneously compelling, rigorous, supportive, and fun.
Arts Leadership Team
Ingrid Chung, principal- ichung@amsbronx.org
Eric Azcuy, art teacher- eazcuy@amsbronx.org
Noah Teachey, music teacher- nteachey@amsbronx.org
Goal One: To create one sequence of classes for students to select from in the visual/fine arts in ninth grade, which will conclude with students producing portfolio pieces by the time they graduate.
Goal Two: To create a scope and sequence of music courses for students to select from in the instrumental/choral arts starting in ninth grade which will culminate with students holding senior recitals by the time they graduate.
Goal One and Two: UAAMS works with Young Audiences to develop new course offerings in the visual arts curriculum that will create a four year visual arts sequence.
Goal One and Two: Young Audiences will be conducting all residencies and professional development.
Goal One: The UAAMS Visual Arts Department will have a full sequence of classes that are vertically aligned from course to course and year to year. This sequence will achieve specific benchmarks as outlined by the state commencement arts standards and our own four year arts sequence and conclude with students producing portfolio pieces of Commencement level quality by the time they graduate.
Goal Two: The UAAMS Music Department will have a full sequence of classes that are vertically aligned from course to course and year to year. This new music sequence will address artistic technique, include music theory and music entrepreneurship, and also allow students to specialize in an instrument of their choice. It will achieve specific benchmarks as outlined by the state commencement arts standards and our own four year arts sequence and conclude with students producing performance pieces of Commencement level quality by the time they graduate.
Students will have multiple access points to engage in the career of their choice while simultaneously allowing them to be shaped by the rigor that comes with a strong music background, making them more well-rounded students.
Four-Year Plan 2016-2020.