School Description
The Urban Assembly School for Criminal Justice seeks to prepare young women for college success. We provide an academically rigorous curriculum that reflects the core set of knowledge and skills necessary for admissions to and graduation from the nation’s top universities. Embracing the theme of criminal justice we develop our students into critical thinkers who rely on evidence logic and sound reasoning to formulate ideas and to support them. These critical thinking skills will serve them well in any field they eventually choose to pursue. Our school community allows adolescents to transition into adulthood in an environment which supports emotional, physical and intellectual growth.
Arts Leadership Team
Nathalie Jufur, principal- njufur@uascriminaljustice.org
Kelliann Moller, assistant principal- kmoller@uascriminaljustice.org
Nicole Marino, drama teacher- nmarino@uascriminaljustice.org
Lindsay Wasserman, art teacher- lwasserman@uascriminaljustice.org
Goal One: To increase visibility and production standard of theatre arts.
Goal Two: To establish a Photo and Graphic Design program that allows students to build skills through course scope and sequencing.
Goal One: Through professional development and equipment purchases, they build their capacity to hold high-quality, public student performances of the work of the drama department.
Goal Two: Through professional development and equipment purchases, they will add new course offerings to the visual arts department.
Goal Two: The theatre teacher partners with Technical Artisans Collective to assist her in developing a stagecraft class.
Goal One: The theater department will present two formal, public performances each year (Fall and Spring). UASCJ will present a larger scale end-of-year production, such as a spring musical, that will include lighting, sound, costumes, and other stage and technical equipment. Through incorporating stagecraft into the curriculum and collaboration with the Visual Arts department productions will also involve student lighting and sound technicians as well as set designers.
Goal Two: The visual arts department will offer a well-sequenced, multi-year photo and graphic design curriculum that expands students' visual thinking and problem solving skills and opens up new post-secondary and career opportunities in the visual arts.
Four-Year Plan 2016-2020.