Urban Assembly Bronx Academy of Letters
School Description
At Bronx Letters our entire school community shares a commitment to teaching and learning through our five core values: Vision, Integrity, Compassion, Expression and Tenacity. We understand that when we teach content and skills with a focus on character development, we are tuned into the whole child, ensuring that our scholars are ready for college and career. Our rigorous, college-preparatory academic program spans grades six through twelve. Our core curriculum is standards-based, with an intense focus on developing literacy and problem-solving across the disciplines. It includes honors and AP courses, master-level arts electives, externships, and independent study courses. In the study of language, specifically, we offer a separate four-year series of writing classes in addition to a four-year series of literature classes.
In addition to challenging academic work, we are also committed to promoting flexible, self-motivated learning outside of the classroom. Our writers in residence run workshops during and after school as well as coordinate the Writers’ Forum reading series, in which our students convene to hear from professional writers of every genre. Our teachers facilitate a wide variety of extracurricular arts and athletics programs, including drama, art, chorus, debate, baseball and boys and girls’ basketball and track. During the year, our students participate in regular field trips to arts institutions, colleges and universities. And during the summer months, our student services team helps connect students with jobs, internships, and programs that allow them to travel all over the world.
Arts Leadership Team
Erin Garry, principal- erin.garry@bxletters.org
Lidia Ramirez, theater teacher and enrichment coordinator- ramirez@bxletters.org
Tony Jarvis, music teacher- tjarvis@bxletters.org
Ashira Mothersil, music teacher- ashira.mothersil@bxletters.org
Erin Moughon-Smith, theatre teacher- erin.moughonsmith@bxletters.org
Goal One: To develop the Music Program at UABAL into a two-year sequence
Goal Two: To build the performance/production capacity of the theatre department.
Goal One:
To begin the music program, UABAL hires an accomplished musician to create a vision for the program that responds to the interests of the students. Providing him with support and continued professional learning opportunities allows that vision to be actualized and documented in curriculum that can live on as the structure for the music program.
They begin the first music elective in Year One. By Year Three they assess the schedule and budget in order to clear space in both to accommodate an additional course in music and an additional DoE certified music teacher.
Goal Two: In order to build out the performance capacity of the theatre department they engage professionals in both advanced level curriculum development and production support (technical training and consultation in lighting and sound). They also assess the needs of the auditorium in making it an adequate performance space for theatre and incrementally make strategic purchases to satisfy those needs. The school incorporates professional development in technical theatre for theatre teachers in order to create related units within the theatre curriculum.
Goal One: Abrons Arts Center
Goal Two: Abrons Arts Center provides some curriculum development support as well as teaches professional learning. Technical Artisans Collective consultes on building out the technical theatre capacity as well as production support.
Goal One: The music department at UABAL will have beginning and advanced level courses in instrumental and vocal music. We will also have a school band and choir that will perform throughout the school year at special concerts as well as other school-wide events. All students who have a desire to express themselves musically will have the resources and a structured curriculum to fully explore that desire.
Goal Two:
Four-Year Plan 2016-2020.