Talent Unlimited High School

Talent Unlimited High School

School Description

"Talent Unlimited High School is a small New York City performing arts public school with students from all five boroughs. Admission is by audition and review of academic records. TUHS is widely recognized for its successful cultivation of an artistic, academically-proficient community of college-ready citizen-artists dedicated to lifelong learning and creative collaboration."

"TUHS offers an arts integration curriculum aimed at preparing its students to achieve both artistic and academic excellence. Students are accepted to one of five arts majors: Dance, Drama, Instrumental Music, Musical Theatre or Vocal Music. They also participate in a challenging college preparatory academic program that includes Regents and Advanced Regent diplomas, Advanced Placement classes and College Now courses."

Contact Information

Website: http://tuhs.nyc/

Principal: Yeou-Jey Vasconcelos

Musical Theatre Teacher:  Brooke Berry-Wolfe

Dance Teacher: Babette Conor Pisco

Four-Year Plan Goals

Goal One: To design and implement a 4-year Musical Theatre curriculum and program schedule.


Goal One: Talent Unlimited had identifies a strong teaching artist who could build the program as the founding teacher and develop the curriculum. ETA's funding contributes to this artist's pay. The plan builds in a transition plan for the school to hire a licensed DOE teacher before Year 4 so that the final year could be spent supporting the new teacher's pedagogical gaps and needs. 


Goal One: Stephen Agosto was the master teaching artist who developed the new musical theatre curriculum and taught new classes as they rolled out.


Goal One: The musical theatre program will be institutionalized at the school through the hiring of a full-time, dedicated musical theatre teacher; continuing to refine and implement the established curriculum; and ongoing student recruitment and enrollment efforts.

"By strengthening this program, the musical theatre major now has its own budget, yearly productions, and is identified as a four-year Chancellor's Arts Endorsed Diploma program."

Four-Year Plan 2012-2016.