High School for Community Leadership

High School for Community Leadership

School Description

At our school you will find a small yet diverse community of students and teachers who share a passion for learning, a dedication to personal growth, and a commitment to making the world a better place.

Our educational program focuses on five areas:

  • Intellectual curiosity and independent, critical, and creative thinking

  • Service to community and social responsibility

  • Appreciation of the world’s artistic and cultural diversity

  • Ethical awareness and the quest for personal growth

  • Commitment to healthy and active living

We support the development of these areas by providing a rigorous, college preparatory curriculum and innovative teaching that encourages students to think independently and communicate their ideas with confidence. We provide all students with Faculty Advisors and a structured advisory program that helps students identify and address areas of personal growth.

We also incorporate service learning into our curriculum to encourage students to develop an awareness of their responsibilities to the larger world and participate in important decisions that impact their lives. For example, our students may engage in a nine-week internship at a community-based radio station or with a civil rights law firm for community service credit.

Finally, we encourage all of our students to participate in over 20 sports programs and after-school clubs. Our school offers a series of art workshops, as well as partnerships with community-based art organizations such as the Jamaica Center for Arts and Learning (JCAL).

In short, we promote the development of “scholar activists” prepared to exercise leadership in the global community.

Arts Leadership Team

Carlos Borrero, principal- cborrero@nychscl.org

Margery Quinonez, music teacher- mquinonez@nychscl.org

Latchmie Arancheril, social studies teacher- larancheril@nychscl.org

Delcie Amaro, English teacher- damaro@nychscl.org

Priscilla Rodriguez, social studies teacher- prodriguez19@nychscl.org


Goal One: To transform fledgling music classes into a vibrant two-track instrumental music program.  

Goal Two: To incorporate drama and visual art into the tenth grade humanities courses.


Goal One: The music teacher engages in extensive professional development workshops and curriculum development support from Abrons Arts Center. 

Goal Two: Humanities teachers engage in extensive professional development workshops and curriculum development support from Abrons Arts Center on how to incorporate drama and a performance component into the humanities curriculum. 


Goal One & Two: Abrons Arts Center will conduct professional learning and workshop residencies.


Goal One: HSCL will have a vibrant two-track instrumental music program. While not all students will be musically inclined, virtually all will respect the music program as a serious part of HSCL.

Goal Two: All HSCL 10th graders have a creatively rigorous culmination to their humanities curriculum in the form of high-quality productions at the end of each semester that demonstrate a deeper level of understanding of the classroom material and build community. Theatre skills are authentically incorporated throughout the Humanities curriculum so that the productions enhance the curriculum rather than take over the curriculum.

Four-Year Plan 2016-2020.