Lower East Side Preparatory High School
Lower East Side Preparatory High School boasts a safe, supportive, and technology-rich environment that motivates all students to succeed. With a renowned ESL/transitional bilingual program in Spanish and Chinese, and a variety of enrichment, AP, Regents prep, and extended day courses, LESP sends more than 80% of their graduates to college. The transfer school provides structure and support to those who are over-aged and under-accredited, and helps students get a new start, whether from around the world, or around the block.
Rene Anaya, principal- ranaya@schools.nyc.gov
Jackie Lee, ESL teacher- slee62@schools.nyc.gov
Goal One: Incorporate at least one art component into all literacy/English classes, with the primary focus being the English Language Learner curriculumESL 1-8), but at scale it will also include the Yearbook/Archive Class and ELA classes for students not designated as ESL. These arts activities will allow students with a range of learning styles and academic abilities to develop their literacy skills and show what they think and what they know.
Goal One: Develop push-in residencies with arts partners to support teachers as they develop new arts-integrated projects and hone new arts-based classroom management and assessment skills. Students also get repeated exposure to arts-rich project-based literacy learning at multiple points over the course of their time at the school. Teachers at the school that already have a background and/or expertise in arts integrated work are peer leaders and an ongoing in-school resource to other classroom teachers as they develop new practices.
Goal One: Magic Box Productions conduct all professional learning and workshop residencies for Year One. Lincoln Center Theatre for PD's and residencies in Year Two.
Goal One: All students - second language learners and native English speakers - will benefit from arts education integration in their literacy-focused classes, as they allow for a range of learning styles and academic abilities to show what students think and know. Teachers will be well-equipped and -trained to continue to implement arts-integrated projects and units in their classes.
Four-Year Plan 2016-2020.