Urban Assembly School for the Performing Arts

Urban Assembly School for the Performing Arts

School Description

"The Urban Assembly School for the Performing Arts (UASPA) aims to sustain a challenging college-preparatory curriculum that infuses the performing Arts into all aspects of the academic experience. By using the Arts as a teaching tool and providing students with the means to express themselves, UASPA will breathe life and confidence into all members of our school community. We will use the cultural and professional resources of New York City to ensure that students receive a rigorous education which exceeds state standards, are successful in earning a college degree, and have a vision for what their future holds. "

Contact Information

Website: www.uaperformingarts.org

Principal: Meghan McMahon- mmcmahon3@schools.nyc.gov

Additional ETA Contact: Curtis Buckner, Partnerships Coordinator- cbuckner2@schools.nyc.gov

Four-Year Plan Goals

Goal One: To further develop the performing arts program so that more students are eligible to sit for and are prepared to pass the Arts Exit Examinations. 

Goal Two: To infuse the performing arts into all aspects of the curriculum


Goal One: Each arts teacher identifies the particular challenge areas in his/her curriculum that are obstacles to students' preparedness for the Arts Exit Exam. Different programs have different issue areas: for example, dance seniors needed opportunities to develop their choreography skills, whereas music needed to bolster its history and theory curricula. ETA provides targeted support through PD, inter-visitations, field trips, supplies, etc. to address these specific needs and help bolster each program's overall efficacy.

Goal Two: Long-time and trusted partner organization, Epic Theatre Ensemble, develops monthly PDs in the Fall semesters to help develop the "buy-in" among the full faculty. Participants have the opportunity to engage in hands-on art activities and draw connections between the activities and their own classrooms and curricula. In Spring semesters, classroom teachers who exhibited the greatest interest in the work in Fall are targeted to partner directly with Epic on a specific project or unit. The teacher and artist co-plan, co-teach, and de-brief and document the unit for future sharing,  iteration and execution.


Goal One: Theatre: theatre tech-focused residencies were provided by Town Hall and later the Apollo Theater. Music: master classes and individual coaching sessions provided by Opera Ebony. Dance: residencies provided by Martha Graham School of Contemporary DanceExousia Dance Fitness and The Ailey School.

Goal Two: Epic Theatre Ensemble was the lead partner for all arts integration, including PD for teachers, co-planning lessons, and co-teaching/observing pilot lessons.


Goal One: The arts majors will continue a culture of high-quality student performances, rigorous curricula, and high expectations for student achievement and culminating work.

Goal Two: Teachers will continue to integrate the arts in their classrooms with the latitude to choose the approach and content that works best for their curricular goals. 

Goal One: "Sequential curricula that builds towards the Arts Exit Exam has been developed in Dance, Theatre and Vocal Arts. The Arts Exit Exam is now introduced during Summer Bridge to all incoming 9th graders."
Goal Two: "Through the four-year partnership with ETA, our school has been able to deepen the understanding and belief of arts infusion and its impact on student achievement."

Four-Year Plan 2012-2016.