Urban Assembly School for Music & Art

Urban Assembly School for Music & Art

School Description

"The Urban Assembly School of Music and Art (UAMA) is a small arts and music-based public high school in Downtown Brooklyn/DUMBO founded in 2005. UAMA infuses a rigorous college preparatory curriculum with intensive arts elective courses and arts integration.  UAMA is distinguished by its Extended Studio program, which offers diverse arts electives taught by professional artists during the school day, with an emphasis on the use of new technologies and commercial art forms. These include graphic design, hip hop dance and production, fashion, business entrepreneurship, and digital photography. We are the only arts-focused public high school that does not require special auditions or portfolios for application , believing that any student will benefit from arts education." 

Contact Information

Website: uamusicandart.org

Principal: Paul Thompson- paul@uamusicandart.org

Four-Year Plan Goals

Goal One: To integrate the arts into academic curricula to support student learning and achievement through project-based learning.


Goal One: After some significant mid-plan revisions to the specifics of the goals and the approach, we eventually settled on a plan of "training the trainers". The school convened an Arts Committee of teachers and staff who would lead the charge for arts integration across the school. ETA connected the Committee with an external arts partner to provide PD and guidance about resources and best practices. Members of the Committee implemented arts-integrated projects in the first half of the year, then shared out with the rest of the faculty and worked with the most interested teachers to develop their own projects. ETA support primarily went towards teachers' planning and curriculum documentation time, as well as guest artist partners and supplies.


Goal One: Various partners over the course of four years, but culminated with faculty-wide PD facilitated by Abrons Arts Center education staff. 


Goal One: The school's arts theme will be woven into all academic classes, with teachers preparing arts integrated lessons and units consistently across academic content areas, and seeding a growing library of project ideas and curricular documents.

"The creation of a teacher led Arts Committee was one of the lasting structure that developed through our partnership with ETA. With the creation of the Committee, Committee members were able to support teachers in using UAMA’s planning materials (the Five-Week Planner) so to build arts integrations units. All teachers completed an Arts Integration unit that incorporated all of UAMA’s planning expectations. 

Four-Year Plan 2012-2016.