If members of your student body are involved with the courts in any way, you may be interested in attending a talk and panel discussion on the ways in which the arts can be an effective tool in supporting their needs. The NYC Arts In Education Roundtable is hosting a talk preceding their annual meeting where you will hear from Ana Bermudez, the NYC Commissioner of Probation, as well as representatives from Carnegie Hall, the Manhattan Theatre Club, and Lyrics on Lockdown rk for court-involved youth: 1) continuing education, 2) employment opportunity, and 3) sustained support.
See details below and click here to go to the website and RSVP.
Where:Turtle Bay Music School
244 East 52nd Street
New York, New York
When: June 7, 2016 4:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Programs that serve youth in the justice system – those on probation, placed or incarcerated, or those enrolled in District 79 schools – are a growing area of arts in education work. As our portfolio has grown over the years from our foundational presence in schools to after-schools programs, and offerings for those with special needs, early childhood, work with seniors, etc., we now have evidence that offerings for court-involved youth can provide powerful long-term benefit.
On June 7, we will hear from Ana Bermudez, the NYC Commissioner of Probation, a passionate advocate for arts opportunities for this population. And we will learn from representatives from Carnegie Hall, the Manhattan Theatre Club, and Lyrics on Lockdown as they focus on some of the priorities key to effective work for court-involved youth: 1) continuing education, 2) employment opportunity, and 3) sustained support.
Also featured is a video about the Manhattan Theatre Club’s Stargate Theatre program. Click here to see Stargate Theatre video trailer.
The Roundtable's Annual Meeting will follow, along with a reception to honor our Roundtable members and guests!
FREE and open to all. RSVP required.