Bronx High School for Writing & Communication Arts

Bronx High School for Writing & Communication Arts


"Our school is a small community of life-long learners, readers and writers. Using the written word as a vehicle, students explore their world and learn to know themselves. They write across all content areas in order to master concepts and demonstrate understanding. We offer a college preparatory program and provide opportunities for creative writing, advanced study and opportunities in the fields of theatre and communications. Students produce a variety of school publications to demonstrate and celebrate learning. We expect all of our students to graduate with a New York State Regents endorsed diploma within four years and be prepared for college or to enter the workforce.
"Establishing a community of young people who grow into concerned, committed and productive citizens is another major goal of our small school. We encourage students to use various forms of communication to participate in the democratic process and community development. Parents are seen as full partners in community participation and all school activities."



Terri L. Grey, principal-

Theresa Wyre, assistant principal-

Jodi Honeycutt, ELA teacher-

Elizabeth Fidoten, visual art teacher-


Goal One: Integrate a sequential skill-based film-making curriculum into current residencies in ELA History classrooms with long-time partner Epic Theatre Ensemble. Ultimately this program will serve every student every year at the school, with a focus on using this model of differentiated instruction to better engage both the target population of young men of color as well as providing the entire school with a new mode of arts learning.


Goal One: Integrate a filmmaking component into each classroom residency with Epic Theatre Ensemble in each grade level, beginning with an intensive for 9th graders in Year 1 and scaling up in each subsequent year. With each new year, Epic expands into a new grade level, coaching that grade team's teachers while also supporting the previous year's grade team to ensure that the filmmaking elements of the residencies are properly turn-keyed. By the time students progress to their senior year, they will be prepared to engage with a culminating film-based exit project.


Goal One:  Epic Theatre Ensemble


Goal One: Through the expanded filmmaking sequences, students will learn the skills of ALL the key roles of any film production team: Director, Screenwriter, DP, Editor, Sound Designer and Tech, and Producer. Doing an even deeper dive in this work, our young men of color will create a community of brotherhood via mentorship, advising and academic support.

Four-Year Plan 2016-2020.